Now that the shock tower and suspension is mounted on to the front subframe is time to position the motor/trans and make motor mounts.
Looks like there will be no issue with the radiator

Exhaust is a problem!
Checking for the correct engine angle -3 degrees

To move the motor to the rear of the car I cut out the flange on the firewall. Welded up the seam.

Shifter on Miata trans is NO were near the Manta shifter hole.

This fixes that problem. Ordered a universal trans tunnel kit to fill the hole. Tested shifter position with a seat in the car. Its much better than the stock Manta.

Used stock Miata motor mount on passenger side, Made an adaptor to attach to the subframe

The mount on the driver side needed some modify. This will give more room for steering shaft and my custom header that I will make.
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